Team Teaching: Student Survey Results & Analysis Pt. 1 – Challenges – Connect Charter School

Team Teaching: Student Survey Results & Analysis Pt. 1 – Challenges

Jaime Groeller & Ivy Waite

This post is part of a series. Read the previous posts here and here.

On April 30 we conducted a formal survey of our students regarding the team teaching approach we have taken up over the last 9 months. We had conducted informal surveys twice before, and tried to take into account the concerns and suggestions provided to make the experience more positive for the students. Here is part one of an anecdotal analysis of the formal survey. (Part 2 can be found here.)

As is human nature, the less supportive comments often overshadow the supportive. As teachers, we want to ensure all students have the opportunity to learn in a safe, supportive environment, while continuing to provide differentiated instruction and authentic learning opportunities. The reality is, and we are learning to accept this and work through it, you can’t please everyone. Not every person in 100 will completely support anything, but we hope to find some compromises for those that are less than thrilled with the team teaching approach.

While it’s quite easy to get “down” on ourselves when confronted with these messages from our students, it is important to focus on how these challenges have been an excellent learning opportunity, and that we are continually forced to reflect on our practice. We welcome feedback in the comments from you!


  1. Jaime and Ivy, through your Research and Innovation project on team teaching and your overview of information from the student surveys, you do a great job of highlighting the importance and efficacy of hearing the student voice. You share some significant insights based on the survey data from both the perspective of the student and the teacher. As you observe, the student feedback has caused you to reflect on your teaching practices, areas of strength and areas for growth and you offer an excellent model for all teachers.

  2. Jaime and Ivy, through your Research and Innovation project on team teaching and your overview of information from the student surveys, you do a great job of highlighting the importance and efficacy of hearing the student voice. You share some significant insights based on the survey data from both the perspective of the student and the teacher. As you observe, the student feedback has caused you to reflect on your teaching practices, areas of strength and areas for growth and you offer an excellent model for all teachers.

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