Empowered Use Policy (Technology Use for Students) – Connect Charter School

Empowered Use Policy (Technology Use for Students)


Connect Charter School’s staff is committed to exemplary learning, teaching, and leadership.


Empowered Technology Use

The Empowered Use Policy is designed to start with trust. We trust in you to use your devices appropriately and safely, and to ask for help when you need it. The Empowered Use Policy applies to both personal and school owned devices.

If you have questions, please ask your homeroom teacher, or any other staff member at Connect.

Empowered Technology Use Agreement

  • I am empowered to use my technology to benefit my learning, the learning of my peers, and the betterment of my learning community. I recognize trust has been placed in me to use my technology positively.
  • I will be careful and respectful. I recognize my actions create both a physical and digital footprint, and for my own safety and the safety of others, I will think about my actions before proceeding.
  • I will be smart and be safe. If I feel unsafe or upset, I will check-in with an adult – be it a teacher, parent, education assistant, or other member of my learning community.
  • I take full responsibility for my actions. I am committed to taking care of my technology and my digital footprint. I recognize my school will coach me through my actions, including on the internet.