PE Teacher Networking Day – Connect Charter School

PE Teacher Networking Day

The Calgary Science School is hosting a free PD event for Physical Education teachers on Monday, September 23, 2013.

We feel that much of our work as PE teachers is in isolated and unique situations – whether it is the physical building, the location of our school, the mandate/philosophy of our respective schools and so on. We also feel that each of us possesses experience and teaching resources that might be of benefit to other PE teachers. 

With that in mind, we are inviting any interested PE teachers to join us on September 23th for a day of professional development. We are viewing this day as a way for our PE teachers to share what they do in their PE programs and how they do it, as well as a way for our teachers to create a professional network. The Calgary Science School will host this event; however the purpose is to allow for presentations from any attendees.

Presentations can range from particular approaches to PE units, field experience opportunities, outdoor physical education, coaching, to healthy school initiatives, etc. Or it could also be as simple as an overview of the unique situation and challenges your particular PE program faces. Teachers could also bring issues or problems they are currently facing, using this networking day as a way to receive assistance or spark discussion amongst the attendees. Again, the purpose of this day is to share elements of our practice and in return, leave the day with new resources and contacts.

Regarding the presentations, we are hoping that a number of attendees will present for 20 – 30 mins. We have facilities for both active (demonstrating a particular game or technique) as well as lecture/discussion (Powerpoint, etc) style presentations. We will provide projectors and internet access for those who require it.

If you are interested in attending, please contact [email protected] for the registration form.

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