Introduction to Inquiry Based Learning – Connect Charter School

Introduction to Inquiry Based Learning

At the Connect Charter School we focus on inquiry-based learning, technology-intergration,
Collaboration, Education Research, Authentic Learning Experiences and outdoor/environmental education . We believe these pillars come together to provide students with opportunities for authentic, meaningful and relevant learning.

At the core of our program is inquiry – an approach to learning and teaching (including teacher learning) that is the foundation of all we do. Our thinking around inquiry is that it is more than just ‘doing projects’ but is rather nurturing a dispostion toward critical thinking, reflection and idea improvement in all learners in our building. In creating and sharing these projects, we are thankful to the Galileo Educational Network for their role in shaping much of our thinking about inquiry.
On this blog you’ll find a growing collection of inquiry-based projects. You can use the tag list on the right side of the blog to find ideas on specific topics, grades or subjects.
Recently we have created an ‘introduction to inquiry’ guide structured around a modified version of the Inquiry Rubric developed by the Galileo Educational Network
This document is currently in a text-only format and our next goal is to embed illustrative video throughout the document.
We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on the document. What resonates with you? What stands out to you? How might the document and the Galileo rubric be useful for you?
We share the first version of the document here with you:
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”viewer” query=”a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=false&embedded=true&srcid=0BzRowXbm315ZZmNmODlhZDQtZjNhNS00ZDFiLWFmMDgtZWE4NTU0OTQ2NmJi&hl=en” width=”100%” height=”800″ /]


  1. Hello!
    I would love to make a connection with you and your school. This summer my co-authors and I had our second book published on inquiry learning and the instructional design stemming from research on the information search process (Kuhlthau) may be of interest to you. Would love to make the connection.
    Best of everything in this excellent path you are paving! look forward to more news from you!
    Leslie Maniotes @lesliemaniotes (twitter)

  2. Hello!
    I would love to make a connection with you and your school. This summer my co-authors and I had our second book published on inquiry learning and the instructional design stemming from research on the information search process (Kuhlthau) may be of interest to you. Would love to make the connection.
    Best of everything in this excellent path you are paving! look forward to more news from you!
    Leslie Maniotes @lesliemaniotes (twitter)

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