Innovate West Update – Connect Charter School

Innovate West Update

We are thrilled to be announcing the first annual Innovate West conference to be held at Connect Charter School, May 23-25, 2014. This conference will be a gathering of forward thinking educators in western Canada and will be an opportunity to share, collaborate and reflect. We are looking forward to reconnecting and learning with our own professional learning network which consists of many schools and school boards in Alberta and British Columbia with whom we have worked with over the past decade.

If you have attended ConnectED Canada here in 2012 or 2013, the format will be familiar. Friday is an instructional day where conference attendees have the opportunity to visit classrooms and talk to students and teachers about their learning. Tour guides consist of grade 4 to 9 students who have a lot to say and will tell you all about learning in an inquiry setting and what that means to them.

Friday night we will gather together at a social venue in Calgary to share and celebrate education in an informal setting with ‘real life’ teachers sharing their learning journeys. We are working on this potentially being a TEDx event, so stay tuned for more exciting information!

The rest of the weekend consists of discussion style sessions submitted by conference goers. These are not meant to be ‘sit and git’, rather a collaboratively built workshop focusing on one or two central questions guided by a facilitator with a passion and/or background in the particular area. Check out the website for more information and to register. Discussion topics will be posted regularly as they are submitted, so keep checking back! Make sure you follow us on Twitter for updates!


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