Episode 3: Social Media 101
Social media has embedded itself deep in our lives. For many of us during these pandemic times, it is the way we connect and remain social beings.
Parents may want to check out some of these selected resources on helping their children be exemplary digital citizens in a world of evolving social media platforms:
- Common Sense Media – Social Media Q&A for Parents (sorted by children’s ages): www.commonsensemedia.org/social-media
- Interland: A game to learn about being an Upstander online, regardless of platform: beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_us/interland
- TOSDR (Terms of Service – Didn’t read): We all too often click “Agree” because we don’t have the time or energy to read the contract. TSODR is a Chrome plugin to help you decrypt Terms of Service agreements (don’t forget to check the minimum age!): chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/terms-of-service-didn%E2%80%99t-r/hjdoplcnndgiblooccencgcggcoihigg?hl=en