Digital Storytelling: Student Exemplar – Connect Charter School

Digital Storytelling: Student Exemplar

One of the wonderful educational tools that recent technology affords is digital storytelling. Applicable in a wide variety of subject areas and curriculum connections, digital storytelling provides a medium for students to demonstrate their understanding in rich ways through the act of combining of images, text, and sounds.

This grade 8 example was completed for a Japan unit, part of the Grade 8 Social Studies curriculum in Alberta. This video is a powerful example of the potential for digital storytelling in the classroom – and combines research, script writing, images selection and music choice, in addition to remixing and use of green screen. At a few points through the video you’ll see images where the grade 8 students have digital inserted themselves into the photographs.
What you’ll also notice is this video is how these two grade 8 students handle what could become a tricky or sensitive topic with maturity and professionalism.
[vimeo w=580&h=326]

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