research-and-innovation – Page 5 – Connect Charter School

Aurasma: Augmented Reality in the Classroom

Dan McWilliam – Grade 7 Humanities Augmented Reality is the digital layering of information overtop of, or in front of, the real world. This content is viewable through a digital device that places it realtime over the real world through the camera. Imagine a pair of eye glasses that could show the Facebook status or… Continue reading Aurasma: Augmented Reality in the Classroom

Learning Coaches at CSS: The Very Beginning….

-by Erin Couillard, PD and Collaboration Coordinator At the end of the year last year, the administration at the Calgary Science School proposed the idea of modifying the existing role of Curriculum Lead to that of a Learning Coach. Traditionally the Curriculum Leaders (one Math/Science and one Humanities) at CSS were in charge of the… Continue reading Learning Coaches at CSS: The Very Beginning….

Examples of Parent Involvement and Engagement

-by Tanya Stogre, Grade 5 Humanities In the preceding blog, #2 in my 4-part series on parental and community engagement, I discussed the differences between involvement and engagement. However, the distinction was not made to suggest that if a parent is ‘involved’, their actions, care and personal investment in their child’s education is any less… Continue reading Examples of Parent Involvement and Engagement

Using ShowMe for Math Communication

-by Lisa Nelson, Grade 7 Math/Science Communication is an important part of mathematics. As a math team in our school, along with others involved with mathematical education, we have discussed what Strong Work in Math looks like. We discussed many different components including Mathematical Inquiry, Demonstration of Knowledge, and Work Habits. One component of this… Continue reading Using ShowMe for Math Communication

Real Time Settlement

-By Dan McWilliam and Jody Pereverzoff, Grade 7 HumanitiesWe were looking for a way for our students to make a connection with life in early Canada. After reading the Real time WWII Twitter, we realized this would be an effective way to bridge modern communication with the Canadian immigrant experiences Pre Confederation. Students would assume… Continue reading Real Time Settlement

Using Video for Term-End PE Assessment

-By Dean Schmeichel, PE Teacher Why this project? For the past few years I have been recording conversations (audio versions) at one of the term ends; whether it was term 1 or term 2 depended on the time commitment and how much procrastination I had done prior to November. These conversations were valuable, but not… Continue reading Using Video for Term-End PE Assessment

Parent Involvement vs. Engagement

-by Tanya Stogre, Grade 5 HumanitiesIn my first blog in this 4-part series on parental engagement, I gave a brief outline of what the research says about why having parent and community involvement is significant. In this blog, I will discuss the difference between parental involvement and engagement, the importance of the distinction and the… Continue reading Parent Involvement vs. Engagement

Parent Engagement: What does the research say?

-by Tanya Stogre, Grade 5 Humanities I have been encouraged to write a series on parent engagement and the implications for the Calgary Science School. As a grade 5 Humanities teacher in my 5th year at CSS, I have had the great pleasure of working with many parents, as well as Lakeview Community residents. In… Continue reading Parent Engagement: What does the research say?

Teachers as Action Researchers in the Calgary Science School

-by Dr. Garry McKinnon, Superintendent The Calgary Science School Board of Directors in setting the direction for the school for the 2011-2012 school year, adopted a strategic plan with four key strategies, one of which involves fostering research initiatives and building research capacity to inform teaching practices for the benefit of students. This strategic goal… Continue reading Teachers as Action Researchers in the Calgary Science School

iPads in the History Classroom – A Teacher Reflection

-by Jody Pereverzoff, Grade 7 Humanities This reflection is based on the Pre-Confederation Canadian History Unit, Determining Historical Significance (reference Determining Historical Significance and Determining Historical Significance Part II) This unit required students to work individually, as well as collaboratively, to demonstrate their understanding. The discussions were thoughtful, and rating the events using the historical… Continue reading iPads in the History Classroom – A Teacher Reflection