Principal Update January 29 – February 2 – Connect Charter School

Connect Charter Family Weekly Update

January 29 - February 2

This Week's Highlights

Students make keychains to celebrate Connect Charter School's 25th year anniversary.
SCHOOL COUNCIL / PARENT SOCIETY MEETING –  Wednesday January 31, 9:15am
Our next combined meeting with an update from Administration will be held in the Learning Commons with an option to join online. Have a coffee on us, meet some other parents, hear about what’s going on and see if you’d like to get involved. Everyone’s welcome! A meeting link will be sent out on Tuesday. 
Agenda may be viewed here
Read the minutes from our Parent Society October 24 meeting
CELEBRATION – Connect turns 25 in 2024!
We had a great time supporting the student-led celebration on Wednesday & Thursday this week. That was ALOT of cake… the teachers, administration and bus drivers enjoyed it too, and always appreciate it when parents include them. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help out. Next up… There will be adult off-campus cocktail party and a BBQ/family day at the FEC this spring. Stay tuned!
Get ready to buy some raffle tickets, and dream of dream destinations! Launching soon…
We don’t want to be a broken record here, but we just received a “full refund” promo code from Skip the Depot. They’ll waive the fee and Connect will get all the $$ from your bottle donation. Use SKIP2024 on your next pickup!

Have a wonderful week, Connect!

Shannon Bennett 

Shashi Shergill
Assistant Principal

Andrea Friesen
Assistant Principal