School Council and Parent Society Update:
Outdoor Ed Bottle Drive next Wednesday & Thursday
8.2 is again hosting a bottle drive in support of their Outdoor Ed trip!
Bring bottles to the IAC on Jan 22 during the day or in the evening, for THRIVE/Movie Night.
– OR –
Bottles can be dropped off on Jan 23 from 7:30 am to 9am in the alley by the Staff parking lot.
Student volunteers will be present on both occasions to record your donation. All students who bring bottles will have their names put into a draw for 1 of 2 prize packs.
The class with the most points will again get a pizza party.
IMPORTANT: A volunteer with a TRUCK is needed on Jan 22 to pick up a trailer from Tsuu Tina Bottle Depot, and return with bottles the next day. Please contact [email protected] for details.
New FUN LUNCH Dates Announced!
We have added FUN LUNCH dates to the following THURSDAYS, which are followed by PD days. Check out the new options! If you have a Healthy Hunger account, you should receive emails as vendor details are added.
Jan 23: Jelly Modern Donut
Feb 13: Panago
Mar 6 & 20: Mucho Burrito, Boston Pizza
April 17: Coco Brooks
May 15: TBD
June 12: TBD
Casino Co-Chair Required: June 22 & 23
Connect Charter relies heavily on licensed casino revenue to fund field trips, sports equipment, classroom materials and other curriculum supports. We tend to fill volunteer positions, but need a co-chair to help organize the event taking place in June. Note: the co-chair is not required to fill a volunteer shift during the casino. Advance administration work is all it takes! Without casino revenue, we risk losing $70,000 in anticipated proceeds (every 18-24 months). Please let us know if you can shadow alongside a co-chair – your contribution can make a huge impact!
Meeting Dates Update
Upcoming School Council & Parent Society meetings have moved to Tuesday February 4 and Tuesday March 4. Both meetings will be online.
Questions? Contact us!