Principal Update December 18 – December 21 – Connect Charter School

This Week's Highlights

  • 🎵 Winter Concert Success: A tremendous turnout with special thanks to Mr. Bolen and Ms. Hammond for organizing, and applause for the performers and audience.
  • 🏀 Go Trailblazers! Basketball Teams: Cheers to our Girls and Boys Basketball teams for their ongoing efforts and sportsmanship. They represented Connect Charter School well in the recent tournaments.
  • 🕊️ Annual Peace Festival: Next week's festival invites students to engage in activities that unite our school community.
  • 🎉 Spirit Week:
    • Monday, Dec. 18: Moustache Monday
    • Tuesday, Dec. 19: Inside out and backwards day
    • Wednesday, Dec. 20: Fun hair/hat/wig day
    • Thursday, Dec. 21: PJ Day!
  • 🥫 Food Bank Collection: Continues next week. Students can bring non-perishable items to the school entrance.
  • ⛸️ Ice Rink Fun: Thanks to the volunteers preparing the ice rink for our students' enjoyment during physical education classes.
  • 📅 No School on Friday: A reminder for the upcoming professional development day.
  • 🧩 Student Engagement Tips: Check out suggestions from our student services team on keeping your child engaged during the break.
  • 👥 School Council & Parent Society: A note of gratitude to parents for their dedication. Visit the dropdown menu for more updates.
Our grade 5 students show their ukulele skills. Thank you to all of our wonderful performers.

Some great tips for families over the winter break!


Keep practicing executive functioning skills with your child. Sure, the break is a great time to relax, recover, and prepare for the new year. But children and teens struggle when they lose their routine for a couple of weeks, especially those with ADHD. It’s like Summer Brain Drain on a smaller scale.


So enjoy your presents, hot chocolate, and late nights this holiday season, but offer your child or teen some fun ways to keep their brain in shape! Here are some fun ideas:


➜ Send Holiday cards – Your child or teen can practice planning, prioritizing and time management. They need to make a list of recipients with addresses, buy or make cards, write messages, get stamps, and mail the cards in time for the holidays!


➜ Create a calendar for January – Maybe your child’s extracurriculars are changing, or they have a new class schedule. Take some time to organize their calendar together. Review the systems they have in place to see what’s working and what needs an update!


➜ Try a new recipe – Ask them to make a side dish or bring cookies to a family gathering. I know letting your child or teen into the kitchen around the holidays isn’t the most efficient way to prepare, but it’s probably a better time than a busy school night! Have your teen find a recipe in a cookbook or online, find the ingredients at the store, provide a budget for them to follow and then…let them loose!


Check out this resources page for more ideas to keep your child’s brain engaged and working over the holidays! 


The book fair was a great success. We raised $2693.31 in Scholastic Rewards which we can use to purchase new books for the school.Thank you to the students and their families for supporting the book fair, and to Connect teachers and staff. About 40% of the teachers’ wish lists were fulfilled, putting more books directly into the classroom.
Last but not least, special thanks to all the parent volunteers who helped out – we could not have done it without you!


FUN LUNCHES – Order for January, February & March!
Once again, we are offering LUNCHES on Tuesdays and SNACKS on Fridays, starting January 9th. 
We’ve moved to Healthy Hunger ( and have some exciting new vendors. Set up a new account, find Connect Charter School in the list and register your student. 
NOTE: We have yet to upload the Subway dates, which will go in those weeks without a lunch listed, ie. Tuesday, Jan. 23. Stay tuned, and we’ll let you know when it’s open for ordering. 
Questions? Email Fun Lunches team at
Expecting lots of bottles to be used over the holidays? Your returns are a great fundraiser for Connect. Try SKIP THE DEPOT and have your return $$ go directly to the school!