We asked you to order, you rallied! But now we have just a couple people signed up to hand out ALOT of meat! The more people that help, the faster the pick-up line can go. Please use Sign-up Genius to pick a spot – police clearance is not required! You can come from 2-3:15pm, pick up your meat and your student, and be off to your after school commitments on time! Or you can come with your student join – from 3:15pm-4:30pm (or earlier if the meat is all picked up). Thank you!
We have two remaining fundraisers this year, open to friends, family and anyone who might want to support you, supporting Connect. We appreciate you passing these on!
WestJet Raffle: Win a Flight Pass for Two (approx value $4,250)… anywhere WestJet flies! PLUS the 2nd Prize is $500 cash. Draw date is May 6.
Plant Sale: Get your spring annuals and indoor plants (new!) from a trusted grower. Order until April 28. Pick up date is May 14.
We have spring events to look forward to!
Family Day at Camp Connect, May 25: 11am-3pm. Formerly known as the FEC, camp days and overnights are an integral part of the Connect student experience. This FREE event invites you to explore Camp Connect with your child and meet other families. There will be activities at the archery range, ropes course and a scavenger hunt. Bus transportation and lunch will be provided with an advance RSVP. Come see and experience how our students integrate the outdoors into their curriculum (and have fun doing it!)
End of Year Family BBQ, June 20: 3-6pm. Our traditional wrap up event is a chance to bring everyone back before summer. We are not combining this with the school musical concert like last year (that was a bit crazy!) but will have some fun things planned. An RSVP will be sent out in advance.
THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for our Tuesday evening meeting where we heard more from Chris Gilmour about expansion plans and how possible sites are considered as we look for our perfect solution. Special thanks go to volunteer directors on School Council and Parent Society who have served this year and are coming back next year. There is room for more parents to get involved, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.
– School Council
Shannon Bennett
Have a wonderful week, Connect!
Shashi Shergill
Assistant Principal
Andrea Friesen
Assistant Principal