We look forward to an exciting term 2 with the available electives below.
4/5 African Drumming / Percussion Exploration
4/5 Conversational French
4/5 Junior Achievement – Managing Money and Entrepreneurship
4/5 K’Nex Kreations
4/5 Mission Possible: Service & Self-care Through Crafts & More!
4/5 Moi, hei, terve! Let’s get familiar with Finnish Language and Culture
4/5 Robotic Challenge
4/5 The Art of Animation
4/5 Winter Adventures
6/7 Advance Coding: App Design
6/7 Analog Game Design
6/7 Art and Relaxation
6/7 Basketball
6/7 Connect Band
6/7 Connect Change Makers
6/7 Intro to Coding
6/7 Let’s put on a play!
6/7 The Art of Digital Animation
8/9 Connect JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)
8/9 Creative Tech: Broadcast Media
8/9 Film Studies and Filmmaking
8/9 Intro to Psychology and Mental Health
8/9 Junior Philanthropist: Crafts for a Cause
8/9 Knitting and Crochet
8/9 Language As Power!
8/9 Making Simple Meals and Snacks
8/9 Standard First Aid – Level C CPR
8/9 Student Leaders
Connect Charter
School Council & Parent Society Meeting #3
Date: November 15, 2022 Time: 6:30pm
1. Welcome / Treaty acknowledgement
2. Agenda – inclusive of School Council and Parent Society
3. Principal’s report – Shannon Bennett
4. School Council
1. Meeting minutes approval from October 25, 2022
2. Updates on the following:
i. School Council Executive
ii. Council Activities
5. Parent Society
6. Meeting minutes approval from Sept 20, 2022
a. President’s Report
b. Treasurer’s Report
c. Raffle Planning
7. Meeting Close (Adjournment)
Upcoming Meetings (Tuesdays, 6:30pm)
• January 24
• February 21
• April 25 (AGM)
• June TBD
October 25 School Council Minutes
Connect Charter School Council
Meeting Minutes
Meeting #2
Date: October 25, 2022
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Zoom/In Person
1. Welcome- Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm
2. Sharing with Shannon
Electives Photos: Positive feedback on sharing photos so will continue to do so
Survey Results: ‘The good and the growth”
– Assurance Report- from AB Ed, working on PAT scores we don’t have these results yet
– Lots of positive areas/results
– Parent survey indicates the majority of parents feel they receive quality education
– 94% of parents believe that Connect has exemplary teachers
– 90% of parents believe that Connect has exemplary leaders
– Opportunities for growth include Mental health, bringing back career counselling to grades 8 and 9 and more communication to parents of the support provided by the school to help transition to high school. November will be career month for grade 8 and 9’s
– Other suggestions/feedback included:
Restore access to the library and learning commons areas (student and teacher feedback)
Look for ways to access courses on other languages
Continue to work to improve the quality of programming
Spring Camps
– Feedback will be provided in the newsletter this coming week
– 91% of families feel that the FEC is good for learning. We will do fall camps at the FEC and the spring camps will be unique and grade specific
– A fee will be required
– Working towards a capstone experience for grade 9’s. Will be focused on a leadership experience
– Many locations that we used to go don’t offer their spot anymore, so we need to look for alternatives
Fundraising Efforts
– Currently gathering request from teachers and staff on how to allocate money from fundraising
– Will look for well-rounded requests so different student groups are being supported
– In December the requests will go to council and parent society
3. June Meeting minutes approval- Mary Jensen motioned, Rochelle Estep seconded
4. School Council
Updates on the following:
Open Positions
– We have an open position for Vice Chair – there is a small list of duties, any interest please reach out to school council.
– Communications Rep- still looking for someone to help support this
Fun Lunch
– Apologies on the communication of timing of orders. Order deadline is always 10 days prior to order day.
– Trying to accommodate everyone- have some fundraising opportunities coming up but will pair this with a cheque writing campaign. We hope this will cover both ends of the spectrum. Purdy’s and gift card fundraiser will be run over Xmas.
School Council Activities:
– Considering a school dance or movie night- need to find a date that would work for this.
– We are also going to support the scholastic event and are looking for volunteers. Funds raised will go back to the school. Teachers can also put together a book wish list that they would like to have in their classrooms. Dec 6th set up, kids walk through Dec 7th-8th. Will be open for in person student lead conferences both the days and evening.
Parent Engagement
– Previous vice chair was leading this, need some help with this. We have a $500 that we can use for parent engagement- this funding needs to be spent on things that will bring us together.
Finance Update
– Fundraising revenue received was $4394 and a surplus of $2307 from 2021/2022 gives total funds/revenue of $6165.
– Spent $472 on the Fun Lunch website and basketballs/tennis balls
– The meat fundraiser raised ~ $6500, this isn’t shown in this month’s financials will be reported next month
5. Meeting Close (Adjournment)- 7:15 pm meeting called to a close
Have a wonderful week, Connect!
Shannon Bennett
Shashi Shergill
Assistant Principal
Andrea Friesen
Assistant Principal