January 27 – January 31 – Connect Charter School

Connect Charter Family Weekly Update

January 27 - January 31

This Week's Highlights

Thank you school council and Thrive staff for a well-attended parent learning session and student movie night.


THRIVE/Movie Night
Thanks to everyone who joined us on Wednesday evening for the engaging parent presentation by Dr Caroline Buzanko. If you would like access to the slides, please contact School Council at choolcouncil@connectcharter.ca or Mental Wellness Coordinator, Saara Ehalt, at saara.ehalt@connectcharter.ca.
Our next THRIVE presentation and student movie night will be on Thursday, March 13. 

Meeting Dates 

Upcoming School Council & Parent Society meetings are scheduled for Tuesday February 4 and Tuesday March 4. Both meetings will be online. Join us for an update from Connect’s administration, learn about School Council events and have a chance to ask questions about all things Connect!

Questions? Contact us! schoolcouncil@connectcharter.ca


Shannon Bennett 

Shashi Shergill
Assistant Principal

Andrea Friesen
Assistant Principal

Shannon Bennett 

Have a wonderful week, Connect!

Shashi Shergill
Assistant Principal

Andrea Friesen
Assistant Principal