DJ Kelly – Connect Charter School

DJ Kelly

DJ Kelly



DJ Kelly is a Calgary-based community engagement professional and has had a child at Connect since 2021. He is the Director of Community Partnerships at the University of Calgary, chair of the PechaKucha Night Calgary speaker series, and a board member of the Greenview Industrial Business Improvement Area. DJ is the former president or chair of Winston Heights/Mountview Community Association, Nuit Blanche Calgary, Calgary Professional Arts Alliance, and Betty Mitchell Professional Theatre Awards. As a citizen, he has successfully advocated for the creation of the City of Calgary’s Open Data Catalogue and Poet Laureate Program as methods to increase the transparency and accountability of government. Projects he’s led have received United Way of Calgary and Area’s President’s Award, International Association of Facilitators Platinum Impact Award, and the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Organization of the Year. For his volunteer efforts, DJ has received both the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum and Diamond Jubilee Medals and was named a Top 40 Under 40 by Avenue Magazine.


Email: [email protected]